BioLeptin has the purest combination of the African Mango (IGOB131) extract available on the market.

But what exactly does it do?

It’s a natural substance that helps to remove a toxic protein known as C-Reactive Protein (CRP) from your body. It is the culprit that fools your brain into thinking that your body needs more food.

In a double-blind 10-week study, it was found that the participants:

  • Lost a whopping 28.1 pounds
  • Reduced their waist sizes by 6.7-inch
  • Experienced a 26.2% decrease in total cholesterol
  • Drop the levels of a biomarker for chronic inflammation by 52.3%
  • Lowered their fasting blood sugar by 22.5%
  • Experienced a 159% increase in the production of a hormone called adiponectin which helps to boost metabolism.

However, for its effects to be this good, it needs to clearly display IGOB131 – the only strain developed by scientists and proven by clinical trials – and it must contain chromium…specifically chromium picolinate. Without chromium, which is an essential mineral responsible for controlling carbohydrate cravings, energy, mood, and metabolism, the most potent strain of African Mango won’t work.

IGOB131 and chromium are essential for weight loss because they work together to:

  • Boost your metabolism
  • Control appetite and hunger
  • Skyrocket your energy
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Maintain healthy blood sugar
  • And much more

BioLeptin will help to get rid of your hunger pangs, cravings for sugar, fat, and salt, as well as increase your metabolism.

As a result, your body will start to convert the food you eat into FUEL instead of fat. Because of that, you’ll find your energy levels shooting straight up again.

And the results go beyond just that.

Your hormone system and brain will be restored to their original, optimal condition. And that translates to you effectively shedding those stubborn pounds and keeping them off. For good.